- Digital Summit Liechtenstein (moderation)
- SheWealth Launch Event (moderation)
- Leonteq Trend Talks 2024 (moderation)
- RealTalk by PostFinance (panel discussion)
- NTT Data Solutions – Transform NOW! (moderation)
- Ricoh Trend Forum (keynote)
- Digital Summit Liechtenstein (moderation)
- IWC Moments of Significance with Nenad Mlinarevic (moderation)
- Power Pur – Forum Swiss Print + Media Industry 2023 (moderation)
- HSG St.Gallen Symposium (panel discussion)
- Deloitte Board Readiness Session: Digital Transformation (panel discussion)
- HSG KMU-Circle: Impact Day 2023 (keynote)
- Crypto Summit by SMART VALOR (moderation)
- Opening Audi Charging Hub (moderation)
- Leadership Exploration Session: “Make Yourself Heard” by PWC (keynote & workshop)
- VR Management AG: “Transformation gestalten – Warum Digital Leadership im Verwaltungsrat beginnt” (keynote)
- Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum (moderation)
- Digital Summit Liechtenstein (moderation)
- Bits & Pretzels (moderation)
- Straumann: “Demystify Digital Transformation” (panel)
- Leadership Meeting Hirslanden Clinic: “Inspired at Hirslanden” (workshop)
- HSG EMBA Alumni Association: „Leadership in Digital Transformation” (panel)
- GoodHabitz: „Digital Leadership & Lifelong Learning” (keynote)
- Antalis: “Digitalisation, Digital Transformation and Digital Leadership” (keynote)
- “Digital Leadership” at University of St. Gallen (lecture)
- Female Innovation Forum (moderation)
- Board Readiness Seminar by Deloitte (panel)
- IWC Moments of Leadership (moderation)
- PropertyCom (keynote)
- EDU Suisse Podiumdiskussion (panel)
- Leonteq Trend Talks (moderation)
- gfm Innovation Day (moderation)
- Strategy Talks by Syngenta Global Marketing (keynote)
- IWC x Commodity Trading Club (moderation)
- “Changetagung” by Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (keynote)
- SRF Eco Talk (panel)
- Asia Society Gala (moderation)
- UBS Corporate Forum (panel)
- Sunstar Summit: Upskilling Talent and the Role of the Employee Experience in Delivering Customer Experience (keynote)
- Digital Summit Liechtenstein 2021 (moderation)
- Hirslanden: Inspired Work: Towards Operational Excellence Thanks to a Strong Leadership Culture (keynote)
- Audi Summit: Driving Corporate Sustainability (keynote)
- UZH | Center for Leadership in the Future of Work: What kinds of HR innovations are currently taking place in Zurich and beyond? (interview conversation)
- e-Innovation Day digital-liechtenstein.li (moderation)
- START Summit: Leveraging Technology to Reduce Food Waste (panel)
- Die Mobiliar: Leading in the Digital World (keynote)
- eco2friendly DAY (keynote)
- Swiss Board Forum Vereinsversammlung 2021 (keynote)
- Wirtschaftssymposium Aargau (keynote)
- Launch yuh App (keynote)
- SKO LeaderCircle (moderation)
- Audi Talk (moderation)
- Forbes Under30 Meetup 2020 (panel moderation)
- GetDiversity BoardCast: Digital Leadership (panel)
- Ambassadoren-Meeting Wirtschaftsförderung Region Olten (keynote)
- Investor Summit Liechtenstein (moderation)
- VR-Seminar: Beste Verwaltungsrats-Praxis 2020 (keynote)
- Expertenforum intusdata (keynote)
- Digital Summit Liechtenstein (keynote)
- NEVIS E-Forum (moderation)
- SAP NOW Basel 2020: Thought Leaders Session (moderation)
- kfmv Zürich: Impulse Conference “Smart in die Zukunft – Inspirationen zum Weiterdenken” (keynote)
- SRF Eco Talk: Das Wirtschaftsjahr 2020
- WorldWebForum: Future Of Work Track (moderation)
- SWiBi professional event (panel)
- Bank Zimmerberg: Perspektiven von A-Z (keynote)
- Zurich Ignite (panel)
- Management Conference of the Swiss Post (moderation)
- Direct Day 2019 (panel)
- Young Leaders Conference (Young Leader Fellow)
- Investor Summit Liechtenstein (moderation)
- Fast Forward Forum (keynote)
- Business Innovation Week 2019 (keynote + workshop)
- Bexio Community Day (keynote)
- Digital Summit (moderation)
- Forbes Women’s Summit: Breakout Session “Leadership” (workshop)
- “Think with Google” (moderation)
- Swiss Digital Day (keynote talk)
- Mitarbeitendenbefragung – Auslaufmodell oder Aufbruch zu neuen Ufern (keynote)
- Ostschweizer Grass-Forum 2019 (keynote)
- Zenhäusern & Partner: Chef aus Passion (panel)
- Digital Liechtenstein Innovation Day (moderation)
- WeShapeTech: Learn From Leaders At The Top (panel)
- Huawei Enterprise Day (keynote)
- Transformamus – The Summit on Business Transformation
- US-Swiss Exchange on Blockchain Innovation and Regulation (moderation)
- Swiss Lending Conference (moderation)
- Female Future Festival (keynote + stage interview)
- 29. GfM Trend-Tagung (moderation)
- NZZ Zukunftsdebatte: Schweiz 2050 – ist die Schweiz zukunftsfähig?
- Forbes Women’s Summit: Breakout Session “Leading People”
- Digital Executive Summit (opening keynote)
- EMBA in Nachhaltigkeit, Universität St. Gallen: Innovation for Sustainability (panel)
- Circular Economy Switzerland: Launching the Movement
- WorldWebForum: Track Future of Work (moderation)
- HR Swiss Kongress: “Zutaten einer digitalen Unternehmenskultur” (keynote)
- Schweizer Kader Organisation: SKO Leadership Circle (panel)
- Suisse Emex / Futurize M: Wie kommunizieren wir morgen? (panel)
- Schweizer Kader Organisation: 125 Jahre SKO Jubiläumsfeier
- Forum ö: Wirtschaft 2030: Visionen für die Zukunft
- Schweizer Kader Organisation: Digitale Geschäftsmodelle und Führungskultur (panel)
- Swiss Alternative Lending Conference (moderation)
- I AM Digital Conference by DWS (moderation)
- Digital Real Estate Summit (keynote)
- Crypto Summit (moderation)
- Schweizer Planertag (keynote)
- Infra-Tagung: “Reglementiert und zugenäht” (moderation)
- WorldWebForum: “Global Innovation Hubs” (panel)
- WorldWebForum: “The Impact of the Internet of Things”
- WorldWebForum: “The Future of Mobility”
- Swissbau 2018: “Digitale Transformation im eigenen Unternehmen” (panel)
- TV-Sendung: “Kampf der Ideen – die Startup-Challenge”
- ETH Zürich / Google / Efficiency Club: “Cloud, Machine Learning, Security – Chancen und Risiken für die Schweiz?” (moderation)
- One Aldwych Hotel London: “How Employee Engagement Drives Customer Loyalty” (keynote)
- UNO World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2017: Panel Discussion on “Building ICT Innovation Capacity” (panel)
- SIX Exchange / Lendity: Alternative Lending Conference
- HSBC: “From Entrepreneurship to Intrapreneurship” (keynote)
- Hefti.Hess.Martignoni: “Inspired at Work” (keynote)
- Rotary Club Zentralschweiz: “Was braucht es, um in der Arbeitswelt die Bedürfnisse der Generation Y zu befriedigen? Grenzenlose Zugeständnisse?” (keynote)
- Hefti.Hess.Martignoni: “Startup Mindset: Die unternehmerische Grundhaltung eines Intrapreneurs” (keynote)
- Zürcher Handelskammer: “Zürich – von der Limmatstadt zum Silicon Valley” (panel)
- Suisse Emex: “Digitale Transformation in Marketing und Kommunikation” (panel)
- AWE Summit: “Where Great Things Happen” (keynote)
- ICT Berufsbildung / ICT Award Night: “Wo Grossartiges passiert” (keynote)
- Swiss ICT Investor Club: Swiss Fintech Investor Day (moderation)
- FDP: Frauen im Spannungsfeld Karriere und Familie (panel)
- Schweizer Kader Organisation SKO Ostschweiz Podium: Digitale Transformation – Sind wir bereit für die Wolke? (panel)
- Kalaidos Fachhochschule Zürich: “Wie Mitarbeiter-Engagement, Innovation und Inspiration am Arbeitsplatz erhöhen?” (keynote)
- Google Denmark: “Building up digitalswitzerland” (keynote)
- Metall Zug: Digitalisierung: Ein Weg entsteht, wenn man ihn geht (keynote)
- Migros: “Wie Sie Inspiration, Innovation und Engagement am Arbeitsplatz erhöhen” (keynote)
- Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich (HWZ): “Bottom-up Community-Building Driven by Mobile Solutions” (workshop)
- Schweizer Kader Organisation (SKO) Leader Circle: Sharing Economy (workshop)
- Ringier: Connect2Collaborate Conference (panel)
- Swiss Economic Forum /digitalswitzerland: Investor Summit 2016 (moderation)
- Ringier Management Conference: “How to Make Your City into a Digital Innovation Hub” (keynote)
- Campaigning Summit: “Creating a Culture of Engagement” (keynote)
- Symposium Liberal: “Was für Rahmenbedingungen brauchen Jugendliche, damit sie für ihre Generation Wohlstand schaffen und sichern können? Wie kann junger Unternehmergeist gefördert werden?” (panel)
- Project Management Congress: Inspired at Work (workshop)
- Swisscom: “Rezepte für Inspiration, Innovation und Engagement am Arbeitsplatz” (keynote)
- ezurich: “DigitalZurich2025” (keynote)
- Jungfreisinnige Kanton Zürich: “Startup-Szene Zürich – wie sie leibt und lebt” (keynote)
- Impact Hub Zurich: “Inspired at Work” (workshop)
- International Human Resources Community (IHRC): “Ideas for more Inspiration, Innovation and Engagement at Work” (keynote)
- ETH Zurich: “Inspired at Work: Ideas for more Innovation and Engagement” (keynote)
- TEDxYouthAdliswil: “The Nine Billion Dollar Question” (keynote)
- Ignite Zurich: “Inspiration at Work” (presentation)
- Beekeeper: “Drivers and Facilitators of Employee Engagement” (presentation)
- Axa Winterthur: “Happiness in a Digital World” (presentation)
- Schweizerischer Berufsverband für Augenoptik und Optometrie (SBAO): “Engagement – das Erfolgsrezept für die Augenoptikerbranche” (presentation + panel)
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW): “Innovation Ecosystems” (presentation)
- Evernote / Wefound: “Definition of Success” (presentation)
- Career Excellence Network: “11 Ideas for More Inspiration at Work” (presentation)